Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mill out of alignment AGAIN!!!

I was preparing 2 aluminum plates for the A2Z nut mount. When flycutting the sides, I realized that they are not square to the face of the plate. Ok, I don't get perfectly square work most of the time, but this time, the difference is too obvious to ignore; they're off but about 1-degree!

First thought, vise moved during
cut? No, that wasn't the problem after checking.

The stock is standing too tall in the vise? No, sandwiching it with the 1-2-3 blocks didn't help...

I put in the indicators to check. Boy!!! Along y axis, I'm off by 5.xmm!!! Along x, not too bad - 0.03mm.

During the first few passes of flycutting, key '1' on the keyboard got stuck and instead of doing a G01 move, the command became G0. This caused the table to move at 500+ mm/min! I hit the e-stop and started over. Too confident of my typing without looking at the keyboard and little pinky was too fast on the "enter" key...

I started cleaning up the chips to prepare to square up the mill again. Then a thought struck: "shake the mill", "shake the mill"... I rocked the mill holding it's base and the column bed. To my horror, I hear knocking sound coming from the joint between the base and the round column! I am very sure that I tightened the 2 bolts during the last clean up just a few weeks back. Argggh... I'll have to dismantle the mill again... Looks like it is also time to convert the mill back to 5410 for more rigidity...


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

metalAddict said...

8-direction mill seems very appealing to me, but rigidity and alignment trouble had been my concern. I'm looking for alternatives. Good luck!.