Saturday, December 24, 2011

BlogPress is still down...

I've just wrote to BlogPress developer to enquiry if they've sorted out the issue on IOS 5.01. Sad to be told that though they've gotten the reply from Apple review on their updating of the app, there is still a bug to sort out. The app has now been taken off the App Store pending the bug fix.

Hope BlogPress can get things straightened up real soon.

I downloaded a few blogging apps these few days. None is as easy to use and support multiple photos. BlogPress allows photos to be inserted at locations of my choice and not having to meddle with codes - a feature that I don't find elsewhere.

Blessed Christmas to all who are and have been following my posts, though right now I do not have much successes in completed projects. With God's blessings, this will come to pass.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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